7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
-2 Timothy 3:7King James Version (KJV)
A person can spend their whole life learning many things and in so doing gain great knowledge however they may still have no knowledge of spiritual Truth.
Beloved Jesus explains what is the Truth: "The Goal of your Victory is the Ascension... Because the Western world has not known it, does not alter the Truth, in the slightest. Today, the Truth is before mankind. You have all known the long worn out statement: "Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free." What is the Truth? It is the True Understanding of Life!... It is only the Whole Truth which will one day give you the Victory. The Whole Truth is within your own Life, your "Mighty I AM Presence."
The Beloved Mighty Cyclopia teaches regarding the Truth:"You see many people in some of the Religious channels of the World, have a Fragment of the Truth; but they do not understand the Cosmic Law enough, to show mankind the Application necessary, to set That Truth into Service for themselves and for the World. So, We have to come again, and again, and again." ('The Voice of the I AM' August 1948 p12)
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