Form ist Leere (Form is a wonderful illusion) by h.koppdelaney
6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. -2 Corinthians 4:6 King James Version (KJV)
If a spirit is in the darkness of hell in the inner Spirit World then in order for their Light to shine out of this spiritual darkness and transform their hell into a heaven they would need God to shine in their heart or in other words open up their heart chakra. By doing so they would be filled with the Light of Love, or the Light of Christ, in their heart which in turn would be reflected in their outer environment transforming it into a heaven. This is the Light of Truth or the Knowledge of the glory of God reflected in the face of the Ascended Master Jesus the Christ which can also assist us all to shine as the Angels in Heaven.
H. P. Blavatsky from the Theosophical Society teaches: The Doctrine of the Heart [is] for the elect. (The Voice of the Silence by H. P. Blavatsky p27)
The Ascended Masters recommend that you; practice several times a day sitting quietly, very still, and feeling the energy at your solar plexus… become very still! Turn the attention to the Heart and the Unfed Flame within your Heart, or to the “I AM Presence” above you. …I know some of you have never completely entered into that Stillness, for if you had ever touched It once, you would know that there is God’s Greatest Power. It is the Throne-Room of your Being… (p13) If you have learned to command the energy at the solar plexus to be quiet and feel the Power of the Great Great Silence, you can suddenly withdraw everything from the outer, and go as it were, within the Throne-Room of the Light in your Heart, and feel there the Love from your Presence- Its Strength and Power, and abide within It for awhile… (p21) So if you will acquire that Calm, Poised Mastery of the energy at your solar plexus… you will find you can move forward from one Victory to another and your struggle grows less and less. Your problems will dissolve! You will find many disturbing habits just drop away as if they had never been.” (p22) (The Voice of the I AM 1946 September)
H. P. Blavatsky from the Theosophical Society teaches: The Doctrine of the Heart [is] for the elect. (The Voice of the Silence by H. P. Blavatsky p27)
The Ascended Masters recommend that you; practice several times a day sitting quietly, very still, and feeling the energy at your solar plexus… become very still! Turn the attention to the Heart and the Unfed Flame within your Heart, or to the “I AM Presence” above you. …I know some of you have never completely entered into that Stillness, for if you had ever touched It once, you would know that there is God’s Greatest Power. It is the Throne-Room of your Being… (p13) If you have learned to command the energy at the solar plexus to be quiet and feel the Power of the Great Great Silence, you can suddenly withdraw everything from the outer, and go as it were, within the Throne-Room of the Light in your Heart, and feel there the Love from your Presence- Its Strength and Power, and abide within It for awhile… (p21) So if you will acquire that Calm, Poised Mastery of the energy at your solar plexus… you will find you can move forward from one Victory to another and your struggle grows less and less. Your problems will dissolve! You will find many disturbing habits just drop away as if they had never been.” (p22) (The Voice of the I AM 1946 September)
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