25 And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. -Isaiah 30:25 King James Version (KJV)

Babylon and the Tower of Babel
Apocalypse Explained, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1757-9], tr. by John Whitehead [1911], at sacred-texts.com
405.Apocalypse Explained, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1757-9], tr. by John Whitehead [1911], at sacred-texts.com
...[6] In Isaiah: There shall be upon every high mountain and upon every lofty hill streams, rivulets of waters, in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers shall fall (Isa. 30:25). The Last Judgment, which is here treated of, is meant by "the day of great slaughter, when the towers shall fall," "great slaughter" meaning the destruction of the evil, "the towers which shall fall," the falsities of doctrine that are from the love of self and the world. That this is what "towers" signify is from appearances in the spiritual world, for those who seek to rule by such things as pertain to the church build towers for themselves in high places (see in the small work on The Last Judgment, n. 56, 58). That such then as are in love to the Lord and in charity towards the neighbor are raised up into heaven and imbued with intelligence and wisdom, is meant by "there shall be upon every high mountain and upon every lofty hill streams, rivulets of waters;" "the high mountain" signifying where those are who are in love to the Lord, and "lofty hill" where those are who are in charity towards the neighbor; "streams" wisdom, and "rivulets of waters" intelligence, for "waters" mean truths, from which are intelligence and wisdom.
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