Sunday 11 September 2011

Matthew 6:22-23 The Light of the Body

 I AM Presence artwork by Amoraea Dreamseed

22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! -Matthew 6:22-23 Bible, King James Version 

The Beloved Master Jesus explains what He meant by these words. "When I said: "The Light of the body is the eye, and if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of Light," I meant exactly what I said. The Light of the body is the "I AM Presence," and if you turn your attention and look there and continue to look there, the Light that you will draw back into your bodies, from the contemplation of  the Source from whence the Light in your body comes, your body will become Light." (The Voice of the I AM, April 1945 p7)

The Inner Worlds are like a mirror which reflect the spiritual nature of the spirits who reside there. If a spirit is good their body will be full of light therefore they will find themselves in a world of light with other good spirits. If a spirit is evil their body will be full of darkness therefore they will find themselves in a world of darkness or lessor light with other evil spirits. Knowing how to fill ourselves with the Light of Christ or the Light of Divine Love is the Key to open the Door to Heaven.

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling


8 And Jesus said... 10 ...just open up the windows of your hearts, and, like a flood of light, a heaven will come and bring a boundless joy...


12...The good shine forth as suns in the kingdom of the soul.


10 And Jesus said... 11 I go my way and you shall find me not; for where I go you can­not come, because you do not know the way. 12 You cannot find the way be­cause your hearts are gross, your ears are dull, your eyes are closed. 13 The light of life cannot shine through the murky veil that you have drawn about your hearts. 14 You do not know the Christ and if the Christ be not within the heart there is no light.

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