Saturday 30 March 2013

Romans 1:26-27 Gay and lesbian behaviour

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. -Romans 1:26-27 Bible, King James Version 

The Ascended Master Saint Germain teaches: "Excess sex gratification... wastes your energy. If you insist on doing it then you cannot have the energy that brings your Freedom... The Law of Life is that the sex is to be used only for pro-creation of your kind."
The Ascended Master Ray-O-Light teaches us: "Your Great Ascended Master Jesus said to you, the last enemy to be overcome was so-called death. Well what do you think is the last activity which that enemy uses to hold its domination and what is the motive back of that? Misuse of the sex activity. That is how death has held its dominion upon the face of the earth."

Beloved Sanat Kumara, known in Theosophy as the Lord of the World or the King of the spiritual Hierarchy, teaches us: "Sex... was never intended for anything but the propagating of the human form... The sinister force has tried to use every possible excuse to make individuals believe, they could use it for pleasure, and still go on to Perfection."

The Ascended Master known as the Great Divine Director teaches on the subject: "You have been told repeatedly, that unless you cease your sex desire, you cannot gain Freedom and Ascension!"

One of the Seven Mighty Elohim, Beloved Mighty Hercules, warns us: "Dear people, as you value your future existence, stand guard over any slightest sex desire in the world. Annihilate it instantly because I tell you frankly, that sinister thing has become so diabolical that you must absolutely stand on guard in every way."

Within our bodies are seven main chakras with the Crown Chakra at the top of the head being the highest chakra and the base chakra at the bottom of the spine being the lowest chakra. Basically THE HIGHER CHAKRAS, FROM THE HEART UP TO THE CROWN, DRAW US UP INTO HEAVEN WHILE THE LOWER CHAKRAS FROM THE SOLAR-PLEXUS DOWN DRAW US DOWN TO THE EARTH. Everyone's lives are an outflow of Energy or Life Force from God via our Crown Chakra. Most of mankind have their life force flowing out through their lower chakras especially the Solar-plexus Emotional centre and their Sexual centre therefore they are repeatedly pulled back to earth on the Wheel of Birth and Death. If we would like to live in the Heavenly State of Consciousness permanently and not just temporarily at the end of each embodiment then we must learn to live our lives with only the Higher Chakras open thus becoming an expression of Unconditional Divine Love flowing thru the Higher Chakras. The chakras act as Secret Doorways to the Higher and lower Planes. The lower chakras are doorways to the lower Planes of human consciousness while the Higher Chakras are Doorways to the Higher Planes of Divine Consciousness. For example, the Solar-plexus chakra is the doorway to the Emotional or Astral Plane where hell is located. These chakras are not necessarily in logical order but are more like planets and suns revolving around a central sun (the Heart Chakra) and a great central sun (the Crown Chakra.) I believe the Throat Chakra is the Secret Doorway to the first True Heaven known as the Higher Mental Plane, the Heart Chakra is the Secret Doorway to the second Higher Heaven or Soul Plane and the Crown Chakra is the Secret Doorway to the the Highest third Celestial Heaven which leads to an infinite number of even higher Heavens in the Octaves of Light.

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