Saturday 30 March 2013

Romans 1:20 The Godhead

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead... -Romans 1:20 Bible, King James Version

There appear to be two Godheads talked about in the Bible. There are the Higher Selves of mankind and there are the head gods of the spiritual Hierarchy of Masters. I believe we have three Higher Selves known as the Father, or our I AM Presence, the Electronic Body and the Higher Mental Body.

The Elohim of Purity teaches: "The God-head, the Infinite "Mighty I AM Presence" everywhere, is the Authority of Eternal Perfection." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1946 June p6)  

According to the Goddess of Music: "When Jesus said, "It is expedient that I go away, but I will send you the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, who will bring My Words to your remembrance," He referred to the Lord the Maha Chohan, whose Protection to the Disciples enfolded them. ('The Voice of the I AM', March 1944 p32)
                                     C. W. Leadbeater
In his book; 'The Masters and the Path', C. W. Leadbeater mentions the position of the Maha Chohan in the spiritual Hierarchy of this world: As the Logos [the manifested unity at the head of the hierarchy] is a Trinity [Father, Son and the Holy Ghost] so the Occult [hidden or secret] Government of the world [known as the spiritual Hierarchy or Great White Brotherhood] is in three great departments, ruled by three mighty Officials... They are the Lord of the World [Sanat Kumara,] the Lord Buddha [Gautama] and the Mahachohan." (p284)
Regarding the Master Jesus, He referred to His own Higher Self, or Mighty I AM Presence, as His Father in heaven. This means there was only the one God who was appearing on the Earth in His lower self like a person's spirit clothed in a body. Emanuel Swedenborg shares this Spirit World experience: 110: In the night I saw a strange light falling to the earth. Many refer to it as "the dragon." I made a note of the place where it landed. The ground there was a mixture of sulfur and iron filings. In the morning I saw two tents there. Soon afterward I saw a spirit falling down from heaven. I went over to him and asked why he had fallen out of heaven like that. He answered that Michael's angels had thrown him down, because he had said that God the Father and his Son are two, not one. He said that the entire angelic heaven believes that God the Father and his Son are one as a soul and a body are one - a point the angels support with many passages from the Word... (True Christianity #852:110)  

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