Saturday 30 March 2013

Romans 1:25 Who changed Truth of God into a lie?

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie... -Romans 1:25 Bible, King James Version

According to the Ascended Masters the Bible contains about 30% of the Truth. Depending on the particular Religion they belong to some Christians have more of the Truth than others.

The Beloved Mighty Cyclopia teaches regarding the Truth: "You see many people in some of the Religious channels of the World, have a Fragment of the Truth; but they do not understand the Cosmic Law enough, to show mankind the Application necessary, to set That Truth into Service for themselves and for the World. So, We have to come again, and again, and again." ('The Voice of the I AM' August 1948 p12)

Beloved Mighty Helios teaches us: "I trust I may elucidate one of those Magnificent Statements of the Mighty Master Jesus... When He said: "Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you Free," that Statement contains tremendous Wisdom, and few know what It means. Every little fragment of Truth which individuals have contemplated, they have imagined He meant by that Statement; but until they know This Truth concerning the Master Authority of the Fire Element thruout all Creation- they do not have the Way and Means of dissolving that which keeps them bound... The Sacred Fire from the Higher Mental Body! There is no Freedom to Life other than thru That Sacred Fire!... The Only Way provided by Life for the consuming of human mistakes and the frightful torture they have created in this World, is by the Use of the Cosmic Fire... UNTIL MANKIND KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE SACRED FIRE THEY CAN NEVER BE FREE. Individuals in your churches and philosophers all thru the centuries, have referred occasionally to the Sacred Fire, but the masses of the people know not what is meant. Your Beloved Saint Germain brought you the detailed Explanation and Use of the Violet Consuming Flame which is One Ray, or One Flame, that I direct from My Thousand Petal Lotus, which appears to you as the Physical Sun! That is the only Way and Means which the Cosmic Law of the whole Universe, provides to This System of Worlds, to change outer manifestations that are less than Perfection into Perfection, and then ever expand that Perfection." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1949 January p9-11)

Pistis Sophia translated by G. S. R. Mead


"...And Mary answered again and said unto the Saviour: "My Lord, bear with me, if I question thee, and be not wroth with me. Now, therefore, my Lord, unless we live and know the gnosis [esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation] of the whole word of the Ineffable, [Indescribable] shall we not be able to inherit the Light-kingdom?"
And the Saviour answered |233. and said unto Mary: "Surely; for every one who shall receive a mystery of the Light-kingdom, will go and inherit up to the region up to which he hath received mysteries... unless he knoweth the one and only word of the Ineffable... But all the men who shall receive mysteries in the Light, -every one will go and inherit up to the region up to which he hath received mysteries. On this account I have said unto you aforetime: 'He who hath faith in a prophet, will receive a prophet's reward, and he who hath faith in a righteous [man] will receive a righteous [man's] reward,' -that is: Every one will go to the region up to which he hath received mysteries. He who receiveth a lesser mystery, will inherit the lesser mystery, and he who receiveth a higher mystery, will inherit the higher regions. And every one will abide in his region in the light of my kingdom, and every one will have power over the orders which are below him, but he will not have the power to go to the orders which are above him; but he will abide in the region of the Inheritance of the Light |234. of my kingdom, being in a great light immeasurable for the gods and all the invisibles, and he will be in great joy and great jubilation."

In Jesus' day the Jewish people and their leaders in their spiritual ignorance rejected the Teachings of the Master Jesus. In this day and age the Religious leaders and their followers make the same mistake in this embodiment when they out of their spiritual ignorance reject the Teachings of the Ascended Masters including the Master Jesus and Saint Germain. Jesus points out to all mankind on this earth: "I say to all people of America and the Earth: You who have said you love Me so greatly, must remember that you cannot have Me without Saint Germain and all the other Ascended Masters. They are One in Their Great Eternal Perfection. They have gained Their Victory, as you are now endeavouring to do... Remember! and I say this to the whole world: All of you who have loved Me, remember Saint Germain has brought forth the continuation of that which I started two thousand years ago." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1941 December p6,8) One of the Seven Mighty Elohim in God's Cosmic Hierarchy serving our system of worlds, Mighty Hercules teaches us: "Your Beloved Ascended Master, Jesus,... His so-called representatives- were He to come forth- would be the first ones to deny Him." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1941 May p21)

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