Sunday 11 September 2011

Matthew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray

            Artwork by Amoraea Dreamseed

After this manner therefore pray ye... -Matthew 6:9 Bible, King James Version

Between our Father in Heaven or I AM Presence above us and our physical body is our Higher Mental Body which is the Christ. The Ascended Master Saint Germain teaches us: "When you harmonize yourself enough, and the Light pours thru the heart and illumines the brain, then you see, then you hear the Voice of your Higher Mental Body speak clearly and distinctly to you! Then, the troubles from your worlds cease to be! ...When you have really begun to hear the Voice of your Presence, which is the Voice of your Higher Mental Body, you will find there is no difficulty in distinguishing that It is the Presence' Voice which is speaking; because that will compel all Voices around you which might even be human suggestion from speaking to you!" ('The Voice of the I AM' September 1943 p11)

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