Wednesday 14 September 2011

Matthew 6:33 Seek ye First the Kingdom of God

33...Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. -Matthew 6:33 Bible, King James Version

In this life, or in the afterlife, there are many distractions one can seek after which will enable us to enjoy some temporary satisfaction but what's the point if you have to keep re-embodying on this earth. Better to seek the Kingdom of God first because the sooner we attain it permanently the sooner we are free from the endless cycle of birth and death. Also as Masters, God will provide us with every constructive thing we may need plus so much more. In order to gain the Kingdom of God permanently we need to attain the Resurrection and the Ascension therefore we should seek first the Mighty I AM Presence at the Heart of Heaven which is the Key to gaining the Ascension. The Great Cosmic Angel on whose crown blazes the word "Union's" teaches us: "The outer world's incessant Demand upon your time, attention, upon your energy, and upon your feeling world, is the thing that has hypnotized mankind into the belief, that the outer is more important than the inner!" ('The Voice of the I AM' 1948 December p40) 

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