Friday 9 September 2011

Matthew 5:8 The Pure in Heart Shall See God.

8Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. -Matthew 5:8 King James Version (KJV)

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling


4Now Joseph, Mary and their son were down in Egypt in Zoan, and John was with his mother in the Judean hills.
5Elihu and Salome sent mes­sengers in haste to find Elizabeth and John. They found them and they brought them to Zoan.
9Elihu and Salome took Mary and Elizabeth out to the sacred grove near by where they were wont to teach.
17And you must teach your sons, and set their souls on fire with love and holy zeal, and make them conscious of their missions to the sons of men.
18Teach them that God and man were one; but that through carnal thoughts and words and deeds, man tore himself away from God; debased himself.
19Teach that the Holy Breath would make them one again, re­storing harmony and peace;
20That naught can make them one but love; that God so loved the world that he has clothed his son in flesh that man may comprehend.
21The only Savior of the world is love, and Jesus, son of Mary, comes to manifest that love to men.
22Now, love cannot be mani­fest until its way has been prepared, and naught can... prepare the way, but purity.
23But purity in life men do not comprehend; and so, it, too, must come in flesh.
24And you, Elizabeth, are blest because your son is purity made flesh, and he shall pave the way for love.
25This age will comprehend but little of the works of Purity and Love; but not a word is lost, for in the Book of God’s Remembrance a registry is made of every thought, and word, and deed;
26And when the world is ready to receive, lo, God will send a mes­senger to open up the book and copy from its sacred pages all the messages of Purity and Love.
27Then every man of earth will read the words of life in language of his native land, and men will see the light, walk in the light and be the light.
28And man again will be at one with God.


11Men call me Christ, and God has recognized the name; but Christ is not a man. The Christ is univer­sal love, and Love is king.
12This Jesus is but man who has been fitted by temptations over­come, by trials multiform, to be the temple through which Christ can manifest to men.
13Then hear, you men of Israel, hear! Look not upon the flesh; it is not king. Look to the Christ within, who shall be formed in every one of you, as he is formed in me.
14When you have purified your hearts by faith, the king will enter in, and you will see his face.
15And then the people asked, What must we do that we may make our bodies fit abiding places for the king?
16And Jesus said, Whatever tends to purity in thought, and word, and deed will cleanse the temple of the flesh.


2And Jesus said, God’s king­dom is a duality; it has an outer and an inner form.
3As seen by man it is composed of men, of those who make confes­sion of the name of Christ.
4For various reasons various people crowd this outer kingdom of our God.
5The inner kingdom is the kingdom of the soul, the kingdom of the pure in heart.
11The reckoning day will come to every man...
12Then will the good shine forth as suns in the kingdom of the soul.

The Beloved God Tabor warns us: "...who of you can tell Me who will be here today and out of the body tomorrow? I warn you as others have, you cannot take one thought, one feeling, nor one spoken word that is not Love into Our Octave!" ('The Voice of the I AM' 1952 February p21)

The Beloved Archangel Michael warns us: "...your own inner secret thoughts and feelings; ...if you don't keep those as Pure as the driven snow and at-One with the Purity in the Heart of your "Presence," you will connect with things that produce tragedies months later, and you don't know why those things hit you. You do not realize why they strike into your affairs! ...We could give you Boundless Protection, but I have seen people in a few moments, when the feelings were excited, connect with forces that came back and tortured them - forces which they connect with in a moment, which came back and tortured them for years or a lifetime or many lifetimes. That is why individuals continue to struggle in conditions of limitation when they are still calling to the "Presence," then they wonder why the Calls are not answered. Do you not remember the statement - "You meditate upon these things in secret, and the Cosmic Law rewards you openly"? There never was a truer statement of the action of energy - never! If the outer world is more attractive than all of God's Happiness and Perfection for Eternity, well then, mankind must be left to go on and experiment with more  and more suffering, until they will listen to the Requirements of the Cosmic Law; and We are That Law to the Earth." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1972 January p10-12)

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