Saturday 10 September 2011

Matthew 5:27-28 Thou shalt not commit adultery

27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matthew 5:27-28 King James Version (KJV)

Last Judgment Posthumous, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1762], tr. by John Whitehead [1914], at

[339] MARRIAGE AND ADULTERY. (1) Adultery is hell itself... It has been shown by many things as also by experience, that all in hell are adulterers, that they rage like furies when they perceive conjugial [or marital] love; which is a sign that they are from hell; that they desire to violate chaste marriages, and many other things; then that they are in the marriage of evil and falsity. (2) Marriage is heaven itself because all there are in conjugial love, everyone in his own degree. That love is the fundamental love of all the loves of heaven, because an angel by it becomes love in form, because they who are in marriage are in good and truth; and therefore heaven cooperates in marriages and nuptials and hell in adulteries and whoredoms. (3) Thence it follows that as far as a man detests adulteries as a diabolic sin, and looks to the Lord, so far he is in a like degree in heaven.

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

by Levi H. Dowling (1844-1911)

(Transcribed From the Book of God’s Remembrances, Known as the Akashic Records)


32And Thomas asked, What is adultery?
33And Jesus said, The man who harbors lustful thoughts, who covets any woman not his wife, is an adulterer.
34The wife who harbors lustful thoughts, and covets any man who is not wed to her, is not her hus­band, is a courtesan.
35Men cannot make a law to bind two hearts.
36When two are bound in love they have no thought of lust. The woman cannot leave the man; the man has no desire to send his wife away.
37When men and women har­bor lustful thoughts, and covet any other flesh, they are not one, not joined by God.
38And Philip said, Lord, are there few that God has joined in holy marriage bonds?
39And Jesus said, God knows the pure in heart; the lustful men and women are but creatures of the lustful self; they cannot be at one; nor can they be at one with God.
40Nathaniel said, Is it not well that all men should refrain from taking on themselves the marriage vow?
41And Jesus said, Men are not pure because they are unmarried men. The man who lusts is an adulterer if he has wife or not.
42And then he said to all, Some things men know by being told, while other things they know not till the gate of consciousness shall open up for them.
43I speak a mystery that now you cannot understand; but you shall some day understand.
44A eunuch is a man who does not lust; some men are eunuchs born, some men are eunuchs by the power of men, and some are eunuchs by the Holy Breath, who makes them free in God through Christ.
45He who is able to receive the truth I speak, let him receive.

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