'And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.' -Genesis 1:29
Here we are plainly taught that we should be vegetarians. If we were vegetarians when this earth was in its Celestial State and up until the flood then when it returns to its Celestial State we will once again be vegetarians. Therefore in order to prepare ourselves for the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven on this earth we should become vegetarians.
Arcana Coelestia, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1749-56], tr. by John F. Potts [1905-10], at sacred-texts.com
...Eating the flesh of animals, regarded in itself, is something profane, for in the most ancient time they never ate the flesh of any beast or bird, but only seeds, especially bread made from wheat, also the fruit of trees, vegetables, various milks and what was made from them, such as various butters. To kill animals and eat their flesh was to them a wickedness... They took from them only service and use, as is evident from Genesis 1:29-30. But in process of time, when men began to be as fierce as wild beasts, and even fiercer, they then for the first time began to kill animals and eat their flesh; and because such was man's nature, it was permitted him to do this, and is still permitted, to this day; and so far as he does it from conscience, so far it is lawful for him, since his conscience is formed of all that he supposes to be true and thus lawful. No one therefore is at this day [1749-56] condemned because of eating flesh.
...Eating the flesh of animals, regarded in itself, is something profane, for in the most ancient time they never ate the flesh of any beast or bird, but only seeds, especially bread made from wheat, also the fruit of trees, vegetables, various milks and what was made from them, such as various butters. To kill animals and eat their flesh was to them a wickedness... They took from them only service and use, as is evident from Genesis 1:29-30. But in process of time, when men began to be as fierce as wild beasts, and even fiercer, they then for the first time began to kill animals and eat their flesh; and because such was man's nature, it was permitted him to do this, and is still permitted, to this day; and so far as he does it from conscience, so far it is lawful for him, since his conscience is formed of all that he supposes to be true and thus lawful. No one therefore is at this day [1749-56] condemned because of eating flesh.
The Ascended Master Saint Germain teaches us why the Ascended Masters, including Beloved Jesus, Who dwell permanently in the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven and therefore know the Celestial Laws there, do not eat meat and why we should not eat meat either: There is a definite reason why We never eat meat, and why human beings should not eat it either. This is because the atoms of which it is composed are the condensation into substance of this world of mankind’s own vicious thoughts and feelings of the past. (The Magic Presence by Godre Ray King p149) The Beloved Goddess of Light teaches: A person who continues to use intoxicants, tobacco, meat and all those things which bring depravity upon mankind, is not a [real I AM] student and never will be so long as that one continues to do such things! (The Voice of the I AM 1940 February p11)
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