A Mosaic of Cassiopeia – NASA
1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. -Genesis 1:1 (Bible, King James Version)
According to the Internet there are 4094 verses in the Bible which use the Word "God" once or more. "The more
you use this name, [God] knowing that it is the in-dwelling God
Principle that you are establishing within you, the higher the rate of
vibration of your body. These vibrations become correlated
and respond to the Divine vibrations which the word God means and gives
forth. Should you say God once, meaningly, your body will never return
to the same vibratory rate that it was giving off at the time you used
the word God. (Vol. 3:138) That word [God] vibrates at the rate if 186 billion beats a second. (Vol. 5:73) The vibratory influence of that word carries us right out of the hypnotic state we build in our own bodies. (Vol. 5:73) It is not necessary to go around repeating the word "God, God." Just send that word forth once with definate, sincere meaning and qualified with what that expression is intended to bring about and you will never have to repeat it..." ('Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East' by Baird T. Spalding Vol. 5:100-101)
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