Wednesday 5 October 2011

Mark 1:4,7-8 HeShallBaptizeYouWithTheHolyGhost

John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins... And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. -Mark 1:4,7-8 Bible, King James Version

According to the Goddess of Music; When Jesus said, "It is expedient that I go away, but I will send you the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, who will bring My Words to your remembrance," He referred to the Lord the Maha Chohan, whose Protection to the Disciples enfolded them. (The Voice of the I AM, March 1944 p32) In his book; The Masters and the Path, C. W. Leadbeater mentions the position of the Maha Chohan in the spiritual Hierarchy of this world: As the Logos [the manifested unity at the head of the hierarchy] is a Trinity [Father, Son and the Holy Ghost] so the Occult [hidden or secret] Government of the world [known as the spiritual Hierarchy or Great White Brotherhood] is in three great departments, ruled by three mighty Officials... They are the Lord of the World [Sanat Kumara,] the Lord Buddha [Gautama] and the Mahachohan. (p284)

"At Pentacost when the Lord the Maha Chohan sent down the Assistance to the Disciples, who were to carry on and use These Greater Powers which We had explained to them, there had to be Tongues of Flame come from the Lord Maha Chohan, directly into the brain structure of those who were to stand against the destructive forces of the outer world! ...The Beloved Lord the Maha Chohan... HE IS THE AUTHORITY AND THE PRESENCE WHICH PROJECTS THAT FLAME INTO THE BRAIN STRUCTURE OF THOSE IN THIS WORLD! I received It from Him, at the moment of baptism; and the Disciples received It from Him, just before they were to go to the outer world. It is the Gift of the Greater Powers of the Sacred Fire, which enables the outer self to be FREE from many and all limitations. It is the release of the Fire Element necessary to consume the human; and give the Greater Strengh to the outer self of others, to do that which sets each Life Stream FREE." -Beloved Master Jesus ('The Voice of the I AM' July 1948 p15) 

"Know what the Beloved Saint Germain has given to you in the use of the Violet Consuming Flame. That is the Heavenly Love of Purity, Forgiveness and Mercy to Life in the use of the Sacred Fire." -Beloved Master Jesus ('The Voice of the I AM' April 1948 p12)

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