The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling
31 ...Just before the sun arose, the heavens blazed with light, a distant thunder seemed to herald forth a coming storm; 32And then the earth began to quake and in the rays of light they saw a form descend from heaven, They said, Behold an angel comes. 33And then they heard again, Adon Mashich Cumi. 34And then the white-robed form tramped on the Roman seal, and then he tore it into shreds; he took the mighty stone in hand as though it were a pebble from the brook, and cast it to the side. 35And Jesus opened up his eyes and said, All hail the rising sun! the coming of the day of righteousness! 36And then he folded up his burial gown, his head bands and his coverings and laid them all aside. 37He rose, and for a moment stood beside the white-robed form. 38The weaker soldiers fell upon the ground, and hid their faces in their hands; the stronger stood and watched. 39They saw the body of the Nazarene transmute; they saw it change from mortal to immortal form, and then it disappeared. 40The soldiers heard a voice from somewhere; yea, from everywhere, it said, 41Peace, peace on earth; good will to men. 42They looked, the tomb was empty and the Lord had risen as he said.
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