Saturday 7 January 2012

Mark 13:10 The Fulness of the Gospel

10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations. -Mark 13:10 Bible, King James Version 

The Ascended Masters Jesus and Saint Germain

According to the Ascended Masters the Bible contains about 30% of the Truth therefore mainstream Christians do not have the Fullness of the Gospel necessary for their Salvation. The Gospel taught in Jesus' day was not the Fullness of the Gospel. This was the foundation for the Fullness of the Gospel which was revealed to mankind by Jesus, Saint Germain and the other Ascended Masters in the early 1900s. 

The Beloved Mighty Cyclopia teaches regarding the Truth:"You see many people in some of the Religious channels of the World, have a Fragment of the Truth; but they do not understand the Cosmic Law enough, to show mankind the Application necessary, to set That Truth into Service for themselves and for the World. So, We have to come again, and again, and again." ('The Voice of the I AM' August 1948 p12)

Beloved Mighty Helios teaches us: "I trust I may elucidate one of those Magnificent Statements of the Mighty Master Jesus... When He said: "Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you Free," that Statement contains tremendous Wisdom, and few know what It means. Every little fragment of Truth which individuals have contemplated, they have imagined He meant by that Statement; but until they know This Truth concerning the Master Authority of the Fire Element thruout all Creation- they do not have the Way and Means of dissolving that which keeps them bound... The Sacred Fire from the Higher Mental Body! There is no Freedom to Life other than thru That Sacred Fire!... The Only Way provided by Life for the consuming of human mistakes and the frightful torture they have created in this World, is by the Use of the Cosmic Fire... UNTIL MANKIND KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE SACRED FIRE THEY CAN NEVER BE FREE. Individuals in your churches and philosophers all thru the centuries, have referred occasionally to the Sacred Fire, but the masses of the people know not what is meant. Your Beloved Saint Germain brought you the detailed Explanation and Use of the Violet Consuming Flame which is One Ray, or One Flame, that I direct from My Thousand Petal Lotus, which appears to you as the Physical Sun! That is the only Way and Means which the Cosmic Law of the whole Universe, provides to This System of Worlds, to change outer manifestations that are less than Perfection into Perfection, and then ever expand that Perfection." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1949 January p9-11)
Mighty Victory teaches us: "...the masses of mankind, until they are taught this Law, do not have permanent Victory! ...Like a pendulum they swing and swing and swing, and never stabilize anywhere; because they cannot, until they know That Glorious Word "I AM"; understand where the "Mighty I AM Presence" is; what It is and what It can do for them. Only then can they see, know and accept the Reality of the Mighty Ascended Masters; the Great Cosmic Beings... Until they know the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" and Its Cosmic Law, they are not stabilized within Permanent Happiness nor Perfection." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1951 June p28-29)

Protestantism in America: A Narrative History by Jerald C. Brauer

Chapter 1: The Churches Arrive England, another group of believers were driven to seek haven in the New World. In 1608, a group of Protestants called the Separatists fled from England and settled in Holland. There they hoped to find freedom to worship as they believed.

"Separatist" was the name given to those people, a type of Puritan, who were dissatisfied with the worship and practice of the Church of England; consequently, they withdrew from the Church and formed their own congregations....

On July 21, 1620, the congregation met together for the last time. Their ship, The Speedwell, was ready in the port of Leyden. John Robinson preached a heart-warming farewell sermon and gave stirring advice to those departing. He reminded his congregation that they must follow him no farther than he followed Christ, and he urged them to be open to all truth from the ministry of others who live in Christ.
"Let us be certain, brethren, that the Lord hath more truth and light yet to break forth out of his holy Word. It cannot be possible that we have so recently come out of such great anti-Christian darkness and already stand in the full light of divine truth."Is it not a pity," he said, "that the Churches of the Reformation, starting so gloriously, have stopped short in their reforms? Lutherans stop with what Luther saw. Calvinists cannot be drawn beyond what was revealed and imparted to Calvin. God has not revealed his whole will to these men.

"If Luther and Calvin were living," he cried, "they would be as ready and willing to embrace further light, as that they had received. Search the Scriptures and learn the depth of the covenant God has worked out," he exhorted.

With the prophetic utterance ringing in their ears, "There shall yet be more light," the Pilgrims sailed for England, where, after abandoning the unseaworthy Speedwell, 101 of them crowded aboard the Mayflower and sailed for America...

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