'Choose you this day whom ye will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.'
Now is the day and the hour of our salvation or damnation depending on how we choose to serve God and work out our salvation. This also suggests we should seek to work out out salvation now in this lifetime, or circuit of life, rather than thinking we can do so in our next embodiment or even another day in this lifetime because tomorrow we could be dead.
In the Books of the Saviour; 'Mary... said unto the Saviour[Jesus]: "My Lord, ...if souls come into the world in many circuits and are neglectful of receiving mysteries hoping that, if they come into the world at any other circuit, they will receive them, will they then not be in danger of not succeeding in receiving the mysteries? "The Saviour answered and said unto his disciples: "Herald unto the whole world and say unto men: Strive thereafter that ye receive the mysteries of the Light in this time of affliction and enter into the Light-kingdom. Join not one day to another, or one circuit to another, hoping that ye may succeed in receiving the mysteries if ye come into the world in another circuit."'('Pistis Sophia' by G.R.S. Mead p262)
Referring to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, as revealed by Saint Germain in this day and age, the Archangel Michael points out that; "If you pass this opportunity you will wait such a long time again. I would not care to estimate it to you. The unfortunate people who doubt the Reality of this Truth are the most unfortunate on this planet!"
Beloved Mighty Helios teaches: "If you do not come Our Way, then you go the other way, for there is no such thing as standing still!... Unless you use This Fiery Love from your "Beloved I AM Presence" and from Our Octave, the only other place you can go in the Universe, is to annihilation. You have your choice today! You either enter into the Fiery Love of My Heart, have your Freedom and become the Saviours of your Nation and the World; or you go with the destructive forces into annihilation. Make your choice!... The hour of decision is at hand, and you either come to Our Perfection, or you turn your backs upon It, you go the way of the sinister force, which is annihilation... Individuals who will not face This Great Love to Life to Which We call you, wherein abides only Eternal Happiness, Freedom and Boundless Perfection- individuals who will not come Our Way at this time, must face the frightful suffering of their own creation; and because they are unawakened and unlearned concerning the Law, their suffering will be terrible!" ('The Voice of the I AM' 1949 April p28-29)
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