Friday 27 July 2012

John 14:12 GreaterWorks than these shall others do

12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. -John 14:12 Bible, King James Version

Those who believe in the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and follow them will become Masters also, then they may perform miracles even greater than those performed by the Master Jesus.

The book Unveiled Mysteries by Godfré Ray King reveals: "When Jesus said, 'All these things I have done, ye shall do and even greater things shall ye do,' he knew whereof he spoke," continued Saint Germain. "He came forth to reveal the Conscious Dominion and Mastery that it is possible for every human being to attain and express while still here on Earth."

Beloved Jesus teaches us what He meant by those words: "...what I meant when I said: "The things I do all men shall do and greater things than these shall ye do!" Life is ever expanding Its Perfection. I knew that Life ever contains Greater Perfection and Perfect Manifestation, and as time goes on That Greater Perfection must manifest in this world. Therefore, you were obligated to do greater and greater things than I had done." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1952 December p7)


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