Wednesday 25 April 2012

John 9:1-3 The past life sins of the blind man


1And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. 2And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind. 3Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. -John 9:1-3 Bible, King James Version
Here Jesus' disciples appear to be asking Him whether or not the blind man's past life sins had led to his being born blind in this life. Jesus indicates to them that it was not his past life sins which in this case had led to his blindness. The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ gives a different version of Jesus' response to this question about the past life sins of the blind man:

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
by Levi H. Dowling (1844-1911)
(Transcribed from the Akashic Records)


1The Lord with Peter, James and John were in Jerusalem; it was the Sabbath day.
2And as they walked along the way they saw a man who could not see; he had been blind from birth.
3And Peter said, Lord, if dis­ease and imperfections all are caused by sin, who was the sinner in this case? the parents or the man him­self?
4And Jesus said, Afflictions all are partial payments on a debt, or debts, that have been made.
5There is a law of recompense that never fails, and it is summar­ized in that true rule of life:
6Whatsoever man shall do to any other man some other man will do to him.
7In this we find the meaning of the Jewish law, expressed con­cisely in the words, Tooth for a tooth; life for a life.
8He who shall injure any one in thought, or word, or deed, is judged a debtor to the law, and some one else shall, likewise, injure him in thought, or word or deed.
9And he who sheds the blood of any man will come upon the time when his blood shall be shed by man.
10Affliction is a prison cell in which a man must stay until he pays his debts unless a master sets him free that he may have a better chance to pay his debts.
11Affliction is a certain sign that one has debts to pay.
12Behold this man! Once in another life he was a cruel man, and in a cruel way destroyed the eyes of one, a fellow man.
13The parents of this man once turned their faces on a blind and helpless man, and drove him from their door.

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