Monday 5 October 2009

Matthew 2:1 Wise men from the East

'Now when Jesus was born... there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem. 2Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.'

Star of Bethlehem, Magi By Wonderlane
(Etching, 1885)

(Flickr: Creative Commons; Some Rights Reserved)

'Beyond the river Euphrates the magians lived: and they were wise, could read the language of the stars, and they divined that one, a master soul was born, they saw his star above Jerusalem. And there were three magian priests who longed to see the master of the coming age; and they took costly gifts and hastened to the West in search of him, the unknown king, that they might honour him. And one took gold, the symbol of nobility; another myrrh, the symbol of dominion and of power; gum-thus the other took, the symbol of the wisdom of the sage.' The three wise men Hor, Lun and Mer came from the city Persepolis in Persia. (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi Dowling pp18-19, 61)

Zoroaster By A. Davey

An image of Zoroaster appears on mirrored etched glass at the Zoroastrian Fire Temple in Taft, Iran.

(Flickr: Creative Commons; Some Rights Reserved)

Zoroaster, the Persian prophet, taught that a virgin should conceive and bear a son and a star would appear blazing at midday to signal the occurrence. "When you behold the star," said he to his followers, "follow it wither soever it leads you. Adore the mysterious child, offering him gifts with profound humility. He is indeed the Almighty Lord, which created the heavens. He is indeed your Lord and everlasting King." (History of Idolatry by Faber, Vol 2, p92)

Between the age of 12 and 30 Jesus visited other countries including India, Tibet and Persia:

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ
, by Levi H. Dowling, [1920], at

Section VIII: Cheth: Life and Works of Jesus in Persia

Chapter 38

Jesus crosses Persia. Teaches and heals in many places. Three magian priests meet him as he nears Persepolis. Kaspar, and two other Persian masters, meet him in Persepolis. The seven masters sit in silence seven days.

Four-and-Twenty years of age was Jesus when he entered Persia on his homeward way.
2. In many a hamlet, town and neighbourhood he paused a while and taught and healed.
3. The priests and ruling classes did not welcome him, because he censured them for cruelty to those of low estate.
4. The common people followed him in throngs
5. At times the chiefs made bold to try to hinder him, forbidding him to teach or heal the sick. But he regarded not their angry threats; he taught, and healed the sick.
6. In time he reached Persepolis, the city where the kings of Persia were entombed; the city of the learned magi, Hor, and Lun, and Mer, the three wise men.
7. Who, four-and-twenty years before, had seen the star of promise rise above Jerusalem, and who had journeyed to the West to find the new-born king;
8. And were the first to honour Jesus as the master of the age, and gave him gifts of gold, gum-thus and myrrh.

9. These magi knew, by ways that masters always know, when Jesus neared Persepolis; and then they girt themselves, and went to meet him on the way.
10. And when they met, a light much brighter than the light of day, surrounded them, and men who saw the four stand in the way declared they were transfigured; seeming more like gods than men.
11. Now, Hor and Lun were aged men, and Jesus placed them on his beast to ride into Persepolis; whilst he and Mer led on the way.
12. And when they reached the magi's home they all rejoiced. And Jesus told the thrilling story of his life, and Hor and Lun and Mer spoke not; they only looked to heaven, and in their hearts praised God.
13. Three wise men from the North were Persepolis; and they were Kaspar, Zara and Melzone; and Kaspar was the wisest master of the Magian land. These three were at the home of Hor and Lun and Mer when Jesus came.
14. For seven days these seven men spoke not; they sat in silence in the council hall in close communion with the Silent Brotherhood.
15. They sought for light, for revelation and for power. The laws and precepts of the coming age required all the wisdom of the masters of the world.

Chapter 39

Jesus attends a feast in Persepolis. Speaks to the people, reviewing the magian philosophy. Explains the origin of evil. Spends the night in prayer.

1. A feast in honour of the magian God was being held, and many men were gathered in Persepolis.
2. And on the great day of the feast the ruling magian master said, Within these sacred walls is liberty; whoever wills to speak may speak.
3. And Jesus standing in the midst of all the people, said, My brothers, sisters, children of our Father-God:
4. Most blest are you among the sons of men today, because you have such just conceptions of the Holy One and man.
5. Your purity in worship and in life is pleasing unto God; and to your master, Zarathustra, praise is due.
6. Well say you all, There is one God from whose great being there came forth the seven Spirits that created heaven and earth; and manifest unto the sons of men are these great Spirits in the sun, and moon, and stars.
7. But in your sacred books we read that two among these seven are of superior strength; that one of these created all the good; the other one created all that evil is.
8. I pray you, honoured masters, tell me how that evil can be born of that which is all good?
9. A magus rose and said, If you will answer me, your problem will be solved.
10. We all do recognize the fact that evil is. Whatever is, must have a cause, If God, the One, made not this evil, then, where is the God who did?
11. And Jesus said, Whatever God, the One, has made is good, and like the great first Cause, the seven Spirits all are good, and everything that comes from their creative hands is good.
12. Now, all created things have colours, tones and forms their own; but certain tones, though good and pure themselves, when mixed, produce inharmonies, discordant tones.
13. And certain things, though good and pure, when mixed, produce discordant things, yea, poisonous things, that men call evil things.
14. So evil is the inharmonious blending of the colours, tones, or forms of good.
15. Now, man is not all-wise, and yet has will his own. He has the power, and he uses it, to mix God's good things in a multitude of ways, and every day he makes discordant sounds, and evil things.
16. And every tone and form, be it of good, or ill, becomes a living thing, a demon, sprite, or spirit of a good or vicious kind.
17. Man makes his evil thus; and then becomes afraid of him and flees; his devil is emboldened, follows him away and casts him into torturing fires.
18. The devil and the burning fires are both the works of man, and none can put the fires out and dissipate the evil one, but man who made them both.

19. Then Jesus stood aside, and not a magus answered him.
20. And he departed from the throng and went into a secret place to pray.

Chapter 40

Jesus teaches the magians. Explains the Silence and how to enter it. Kaspar extols the wisdom of Jesus. Jesus teaches in the groves of Cyrus.

1. Now, in the early morning Jesus came again to teach and heal. A light not comprehended shown about, as though some mighty spirit overshadowed him.
2. A magus noted this and asked him privately to tell from whence his wisdom came, and what the meaning of the light.
3. And Jesus said, There is a Silence where the soul may meet its God, and there the fount of wisdom is, and all who enter are immersed in light, and filled with wisdom, love and power.
4. The magus said, Tell me about this Silence and this light, that I may go and there abide.
5. And Jesus said, The Silence is not circumscribed; is not a place closed in with wall, or rocky steeps, nor guarded by the sword of man.
6. Men carry with them all the time the secret place where they might meet their God.
7. It matters not where men abide, on mountain top, in deepest vale, in marts of trade, or in the quiet home; they may at once, at any time, fling wide the door, and find the Silence, find the house of God; it is within the soul.

8. One may not be so much disturbed by noise of business, and the words and thoughts of men if he goes all alone into the valley or the mountain pass.
9. And when life's heavy load is pressing hard, it is far better to go out and seek a quiet place to pray and meditate.
10. The Silence is the kingdom of the soul which is not seen by human eyes.
When in the Silence, phantom forms may flit before the mind; but they are all subservient to the will; the master soul may speak and they are gone.
12. If you would find this Silence of the soul you must yourself prepare the way. None but the pure in heart may enter here.
13. And you must lay aside all tenseness of the mind, all business cares, all fears, all doubts and troubled thoughts.
14. Your human will must be absorbed by the divine; then you will come into a consciousness of holiness.
You are in the Holy Place, and you will see upon a living shrine the candle of the Lord aflame.
16. And when you see it burning there, look deep into the temple of your brain, and you will see it all aglow.
17. In every part, from head to foot. are candles all in place, just waiting to be lighted by the flaming torch of love.
18. And when you see the candles all aflame, just look, and you will see, with eyes of soul, the waters of the fount of wisdom rushing on; and you may drink, and there abide.
19. And then the curtains part, and you are in the Holiest of All, where rests the Arc of God, whose covering is the Mercy Seat.
20. Fear not to lift the sacred board; the Tables of the Law are in the Ark concealed.
21. Take them and read them well; for they contain all precepts and commands that men will ever need.
22. And in the Ark, the magic wand of prophecy lies waiting for your hand; it is the key to all the hidden meanings of the present, future, past.
23. And then, behold, the manna there, the hidden bread of life; and he who eats shall never die.
24. The cherubim have guarded well for every soul this treasure box, and whosoever will enter in and find his own.
25. Now Kaspar heard the Hebrew master speak and he exclaimed, Behold, the wisdom of the gods has come to men!
26. And Jesus went his way, and in the sacred groves of Cyrus, where the multitudes were met, he taught and healed the sick.

Chapter 41

Jesus stands by a healing fountain. Reveals the fact that faith is the potent factor in healing and many are healed by faith. A little child teaches a great lesson of faith.

1. A flowing spring that people called the Healing Fount, was near Persepolis.
2. And all the people thought that at a certain time of the year their deity came down and gave a virtue to the waters of the fount, and that the sick who then would plunge into the fount and wash would be made whole.
3. About the fount a multitude of people were in waiting for the Holy One to come and potentise the waters of the fount.
4. The blind, the lame, the deaf, the dumb, and those obsessed were there.
5. And Jesus, standing in the midst of them, exclaimed, Behold the spring of life! These waters that will fail are honoured as the special blessing of your God.
6. From whence do healing virtues come? Why is your God so partial with his gifts? Why does he bless this spring to-day, and then to-morrow take his blessings all away?
7. A deity of power could fill these waters full of healing virtue every day.
8. Hear me, you sick, disconsolate: The virtue of this fount is not a special gift of God.
9. Faith is the healing power of every drop of all the waters of this spring.
10. He who believes with all his heart that he will be made whole by washing in this fount will be made whole when he has washed; and he may wash at any time.
11. Let every one who has this faith in God and in himself plunge in these waters now and wash.
12. And many of the people plunged into the crystal fount; and they were healed.
13. And then there was a rush, for all the people were inspired with faith, and each one strove to be among the first to wash, lest all the virtue be absorbed.
14. And Jesus saw a little child, weak, faint and helpless, sitting all alone beyond the surging crowd; and there was none to help her to the fount.
15. And Jesus said, My little one, why do you sit and wait? Why not arise and hasten to the fount and wash, and be made well?
16. The child replied, I need not haste; the blessings of my Father in the sky are measured not in tiny cups; they never fail; their virtues are the same for evermore.
17. When these whose faith is weak must haste to wash for fear their faith will fail, have all been cured, these waters will be just as powerful for me.
18. Then I can go and stay a long, long time within the blessed waters of the spring.
19. And Jesus said, Behold a master soul! She came to earth to teach to men the power of faith.
20. And then he lifted up the child and said, Why wait for anything? The very air we breathe is filled with balm of life. Breathe in this balm of life in faith and be made whole.
21. The child breathed in the balm of life in faith, and she was well.
22. The people marvelled much at what they heard and saw; they said, This man must surely be the god of health made flesh.
23. And Jesus said, The fount of life is not a little pool; it is as wide as are the spaces of the heavens.
24. The waters of the fount are love; the potency is faith, and he who plunges deep into the living springs, in living faith, may wash away his guilt and be made whole, and freed from sin.

After Jesus' Resurrection He appeared to the Magi in Persia:

Chapter 176

Jesus appears, fully materialised, to the eastern sages in the palace of Prince Ravanna in India. To the magian priests in Persia. The three wise men speak in praise of the personality of the Nazarene.

1. Ravanna, prince of India, gave a feast. His palace in Orissa was the place where men of thought from all the farther East were wont to meet.
2. Ravanna was the prince with whom child Jesus went to India many years ago.
3. The feast was made in honour of the wise men of the East.
4. Among the guests were Meng-ste, Vidyapati and Lamaas.
5. The wise men sat about the table talking of the needs of India and the world.
6. The door unto the banquet hall was in the east; a vacant chair was at the table to the east.
7. And as the wise men talked a stranger entered, unannounced, and raising up his hands in benediction said, All hail!
8. A halo rested on his head, and light, unlike the light of sun, filled all the room.
9. The wise men rose and bowed their heads and said, All hail!
10. and Jesus sat down in the vacant chair; and then the wise men knew it was the Hebrew prophet who had come.
11. And Jesus said, Behold, for I am risen from the dead. Look at my hands, my feet, my side.
12. The Roman soldiers pierced my hands and feet with nails; and then one pierced my heart.
13. They put me in a tomb, and then I wrestled with the conqueror of men. I conquered death, I stamped upon him and arose;
14. Brought immortality to light and painted on the walls of time a rainbow for the sons of men; and what I did all men shall do.
15. This gospel of the resurrection of the dead is not confined to Jew and Greek; it is the heritage of every man of every time and clime; and I am here a demonstration of the power of man.
16. Then he arose and pressed the hand of every man and of the royal host, and said,
17. Behold, I am not myth made of the fleeting winds, for I am flesh and bone and brawn; but I can cross the borderland at will.
18. And then they talked together there a long, long time. The Jesus said,
19. I go my way, but you shall go to all the world and preach the gospel of the omnipotence of men, the power of truth, the resurrection of the dead;
20. He who believes this gospel of the son of man shall never die; the dead shall live again.
21. Then Jesus disappeared, but he had sown the seed. The words of life were spoken in Orissa, and all of India heard.
22. The magian priests were in the silence in Persepolis, and Kaspar, and the magian masters who were first to greet the child of promise in the shepherd's home in Bethlehem, were with the priests.
23. And Jesus came and sat with them; a crown of light was on his head.
24. And when the silence ended Kaspar said, A master from the royal council of the Silent Brotherhood is here; let us give praise.
25. And all the priests and masters stood and said, All hail! What message from the royal council do you bring?
26. And Jesus said, My brothers of the Silent Brotherhood, peace, peace on earth; goodwill to men!
27. The problem of the ages has risen from the dead; has shown that human flesh can be transmuted into flesh divine.
28. Before the eyes of men this flesh in which I come to you was changed with speed of light from human flesh. And so I am the message that I bring to you.
To you I come, the first of all the race to be transmuted to the image of the AM.

30. What I have done, all men will do; and what I am, all men will be.
31. But Jesus said no more. In one short breath he told the story of his mission to the sons of men, and then he disappeared.
32. The magi said, Some time ago we read this promise, now fulfilled, upon the dial plate of heaven.
33. And then we saw this man who has just demonstrated unto us the power of man to rise from carnal flesh and blood to flesh of God, a babe in Bethlehem.
34. and after many years he came and sat with us in these same groves;
35. He told the story of his human life, of trials, sore temptations, buffetings and woes.
36. He pressed along the thorny way of life he had risen and over thrown the strongest foes of God and man; and he is now the only master of the human race whose flesh has been transmuted into flesh divine.
37. He is the God-man of to-day; but every one of earth overcome and be like him, a son of God.

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