5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that
God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another...
-1 John 1:5-7 King James Version (KJV)
God is Light which is the Essence, or basic building block, of all Life. The lower Planes are Worlds of light and darkness or Worlds of duality. For example, lower heavens and hells. The Higher Planes are Heavens of Light where there is no darkness or duality. The scriptures also teach us that God is Love. (1 John 4:8) Divine Love radiates Light therefore those who are filled with the Love of God, or Christ, walk in the Light which will lead them into Heaven. Those who are filled with spiritual darkness, even if they claim to be Christians, walk in the darkness which will lead them down to hell. A manifestation of the Light of God is the Truth therefore it is important to know the Truth if we wish to be set free spiritually. Those who have false spiritual beliefs will need to be taught the Truth in the afterlife before they can enter into the kingdom of heaven. Those who will not accept the Truth in the afterlife, even if they are Christians, will have to go down to hell.
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