Parable of the wheat and the tares
24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. -Matthew 13:24-30 Bible, King James Version (KJV)
After death mankind goes through a sifting process to prepare their spirit for heaven or hell.
Apocalypse Explained, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1757-9], tr. by John Whitehead [1911], at
...for what now follows treats of the separation of the good from the evil... The separation of the good from the evil and the casting out of the evil into hell is effected by Divine influx from the Lord as a sun, the separation of the good from the evil by a gentle and moderate influx, and the casting down of the evil into hell by a strong and intense influx (as may be seen above, n. 413, 418, 419)... [2] But something shall first be said on this point, that unless the good were separated from the evil before the evil were cast down into hell, the good would perish with the evil. For the good who are not yet raised up into heaven, but are to be raised up after the evil have been cast out, have a very close communication with the evil through the external worship of the evil. For (as was said above, and also in the small work on The Last Judgment, n. 59, 70) the evil, who were allowed to remain till the Last Judgment, were in external worship but in no internal worship, for they made a show and simulation of the holy things of the church with the mouth and gestures, but not from the soul and heart; and by means of this external worship they maintained communication also with those who were inwardly good. Because of this communication the evil could not be cast down until the good had been separated from them, for if they had been left together, the good with whom the evil had been conjoined by external worship would have been hurt, that is, would have perished, for the evil would have drawn them away with themselves. [3] This, too, is foretold by the Lord in Matthew: The kingdom of the heavens is like unto a man that sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares [among the wheat], and went away. But when the blade sprang up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. But the servants of the householder coming said unto him, Lord, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, A foe hath done this. But the servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we going gather them up? But he said, Nay, lest haply while ye gather up the tares ye root up at the same time the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn (13:24-30). "The man that sowed" means the Lord; the "field" means the spiritual world and the church, in which there are both good and evil; the "good seed" and the "wheat" mean the good, and the "tares" mean the evil; that they could not be separated until the time of the Last Judgment, because of the conjunction described above, is meant by the answer to the servants who wished to gather up the tares before, meaning to separate the evil from the good, namely, "lest haply while ye gather up the tares ye root up at the same time the wheat with them; let both grow together until the harvest," the "harvest" meaning the last judgment. That this is the signification the Lord Himself teaches in the same chapter where He says: He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; the field is the world; the [good] seed are the sons of the kingdom; the tares are the sons of the evil one; the harvest is the consummation of the age. As then the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be in the consummation of the age (13:37-40). This makes evident that "the householder that sowed the good seed" means the Lord, who here calls Himself "the Son of man;" and that "the field is the world" means the spiritual world and the church, in which there are both good and evil. It is clear that this means the spiritual world from its being said "The kingdom of the heavens is like unto a man that sowed good seed in his field;" "the kingdom of the heavens" meaning the spiritual world and the church; it is clear from this also, that this is said of the Last Judgment, and the Last Judgment is accomplished not in our world but in the spiritual world, as can be seen in the little work on the Last Judgment. This latter passage makes evident also that the "good seed" and the "wheat" mean the good, who are here called "the sons of the kingdom;" and that the "tares" mean the evil, who are called "the sons of the evil one;" also that the "harvest," when the separation is to be effected, means the time of the Last Judgment, for it is said "the harvest is the consummation of the age." ("The consummation of the age" means the time of the Last Judgment, as may be seen above, n. 397.) That "then the tares shall be gathered into bundles to be burned, and the wheat be gathered into the barn," signifies that the evil, according to the genera and species of the evil that is with them, are to be gathered up and cast into hell; this takes place with the evil when they are cast out, and is meant by "gathering into bundles;" that the good are to be preserved is meant by "gathering the wheat into the barn," the "barn" meaning where the good are collected. From this it can be seen that a complete separation of the good from the evil takes place at the time of the Last Judgment, and that it cannot take place before because of the conjunction described above, and that otherwise the good would perish with the evil; for it is said "lest haply while ye gather up the tares ye root up at the same time the wheat with them;" and it is further said "let both grow together until the harvest," that is, until the consummation of the age. ...The separation of the good from the evil is effected by a gentle and moderate influx of the Divine proceeding from the Lord, while the casting out of the evil into hell is effected by a powerful and intense influx of the Divine... [4] A few words shall be said about how this separation is effected. When the good are separated from the evil, which is done by the Lord by means of a moderate influx of His Divine, and by a looking into those things that are of spiritual affection with angels and spirits, then the Lord causes those who are interiorly and thence also exteriorly good, to turn themselves to Him, and thus to turn themselves away from the evil, and when they so turn themselves they become invisible to the evil; for this is a common thing in the spiritual world, that when anyone turns himself away from another he becomes invisible to him. When this is done the evil are separated from the good, and at the same time from the sanctity that they had simulated in externals; and thus they look towards hell, into which they are presently cast. (Concerning this turning about more may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, n. 17, 123, 142, 144, 145, 151, 153, 251, 255, 272, 510, 548, 561; that the evil who were able to continue in external worship, or in external piety and sanctity, although not in any internal, were allowed to remain till the Last Judgment, and no longer, and why, may be seen in the small work on The Last Judgment, n. 59 and 70.)
THE FIRST STATE OF MAN AFTER DEATH. There are three states that man passes through after death before he enters either heaven or hell. The first state is the state of his exteriors, the second state the state of his interiors, and the third his state of preparation. These states man passes through in the world of spirits. There are some, however, that do not pass through them; but immediately after death are either taken up into heaven or cast into hell. Those that are immediately taken up into heaven are those that have been regenerated in the world and thereby prepared for heaven. Those that have been so regenerated and prepared that they need simply to cast off natural impurities with the body are at once taken up by the angels into heaven. I have seen them so taken up soon after the hour of death. On the other hand, those that have been inwardly wicked while maintaining an outward appearance of goodness, and have thus filled up the measure of their wickedness by artifices [or deception,] using goodness as a means of deceiving -these are at once cast into hell. I have seen some such cast into hell immediately after death, one of the most deceitful with his head downward and feet upward, and others in other ways. There are some that immediately after death are cast into caverns and are thus separated from those that are in the world of spirits, and are taken out from these and put back again by turns. They are such as have dealt wickedly with the neighbor under civil pretences. But all these are few in comparison with those that are retained in the world of spirits, and are there prepared in accordance with Divine order for heaven or for hell.
Spiritual Diary, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758], tr. by Bush, Smithson and Buss [1883-9] at
ABOUT THE LAST JUDGMENT. ABOUT CHRISTIANS. [In the other life] They were afterwards separated... all according to the life; not according to the external life but the internal, which is of the will or of charity. Those who lived as Christians, in accordance with the doctrine of the Church, are separated from those who lived as Christians according to the Word - from which they drew many things which suited their fancy; without doctrine. Those also were separated, who, indeed, believed according to the doctrine of the Church, but still lived according to the Word as regards the life: they who only believed and did not live according thereto, were cast out, partly into desert places and partly into hells.
In the other life, they do not care whether a man has lived well according to the civil laws and on their account, but whether he has lived according to the Divine laws and for their sake; for this latter life affects a man's interiors and sets up a communication with heaven...
In the other life, they do not care whether a man has lived well according to the civil laws and on their account, but whether he has lived according to the Divine laws and for their sake; for this latter life affects a man's interiors and sets up a communication with heaven...
ABOUT THE STATE OF THOSE WHO ARE IN HEAVEN AND IN HELL, AND OF THOSE WHO ARE NOT YET VASTATED. They who are in hell turn themselves unvaryingly to self-love... The quarters are always constant with them. Their east is the life's love, or, there is their delight. When [spirits] are such, then they are fully vastated and in hell.
In heaven, also, those who are there turn their face unvaryingly to the Lord. There, with them, is the east; to the right is the south; at the left, the north; and at their back the west - and this no matter how they turn themselves. The quarters, there, are in a contrary direction from quarters in the world. The reason is, because the sun of the world is to them a black body at their back: the sun of heaven, which is the Lord, is to their face. Hence, also, it is, that worldly things are opposed to heavenly things; for the sun of the world is relatively black...
But those who are not yet vastated, that [is], who are not yet in heaven or in hell, do not turn themselves to their ruling love unvaryingly, but, in whatsoever way they turn themselves, they change the love, and also the understanding [accordingly]; so that there are rotations, and this variously according to the place they are in. With those who come from the world, this lasts, with some, only a week; with some, months; with some, years, even as many as fifty, entirely according to [their] use there... Those who are such are said to be in the world of spirits. These, if they are cast into hell, keep on returning; but they who are vastated, and are once in hell, do not return. If they only raise out the head, they are fearfully tortured. I saw some taken out thence; but this was by favor of the Lord; but, afterwards, I saw that they relapsed into their hell of themselves. They are let out, sometimes, for the sake of certain uses, but never without special permission from the Lord.
Pope Sixtus V (13 December 1521 – 27 August 1590) was Pope from 24 April 1585 to his death in 1590. He is recognized as a significant figure of the Counter-Reformation. -Wikipedia
I saw that Sixtus V was taken out of hell, in order that he might speak with the last deceased pope, because he particularly desired it, but that he was not able to remain there. He eagerly desired to sink down into hell, because, above hell, he came into torture.
The evil in the world of spirits, all communicate with the hells, but in different ways according to the kind of evil and falsity they have confirmed by the life; and the good communicate with the heavens, in like manner according to their goods and truths; and, with the latter, evils are successively removed, but, with the former, goods. When the evil come into hell, they instantly put on the falses of their evil, and are confirmed in them; [when] the good come into the heavens, they put on their own truths. The good, also, are confirmed in these truths to eternity.
The evil in the world of spirits, all communicate with the hells, but in different ways according to the kind of evil and falsity they have confirmed by the life; and the good communicate with the heavens, in like manner according to their goods and truths; and, with the latter, evils are successively removed, but, with the former, goods. When the evil come into hell, they instantly put on the falses of their evil, and are confirmed in them; [when] the good come into the heavens, they put on their own truths. The good, also, are confirmed in these truths to eternity.
It ought further to be known, that, when spirits not yet vastated turn themselves about, they do not at all appear to the rest, but as it were vanish out of sight. This the evil in the world of spirits know, and thereby make themselves invisible. Disagreement of love and of thought produces the like result. Likewise, those who do not agree with them do not see their homes, or anything belonging to their dwellings. They instantly cease to appear, although they are there. The reason is, because the mind of these is elsewhere, and their love elsewhere. Hence, there are many in a town who are not seen, and many who do thus appear: likewise their houses. The evil are able to ascend the mountains where heaven is and see nothing at all there, as if the mountains were destitute of men, when, nevertheless, they are full. The cause is disagreement of loves; and, where the loves are, thither they turn their interiors; and, therefore, they do not see those things.
ABOUT THE FORMER HEAVEN AND THE LAST JUDGMENT. Visitation was made on priests in various places in Protestant Christendom [Protestantism is a form of Christian faith and practice which originated with the Protestant Reformation, a movement against what its followers considered to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church,] and those separated who can be called dragonists,
ABOUT THE FORMER HEAVEN AND THE LAST JUDGMENT. Visitation was made on priests in various places in Protestant Christendom [Protestantism is a form of Christian faith and practice which originated with the Protestant Reformation, a movement against what its followers considered to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church,] and those separated who can be called dragonists,
[563 ...The reasonings of those who are understood by 'the dragon' are all derived from fallacies and appearances, which if confirmed appear from without like truths, but within they conceal plentiful untruths. I can place on record that those in the Church who from now on confirm faith alone with themselves are unable to recede from it except by earnest repentance. This is because they conjoin themselves with the dragonists who now are in the world of spirits and in great agitation, and there out of hatred against the New Church molest all whom they meet. And because they are conjoined with the men of the earth, as was said above, they do not suffer those who have once been taken in by their reasonings to recede from them, for they hold them as if bound in chains, and they then shut their eyes so that they can no longer see any truth in the light. -Apocalypse Revealed #563]
from those who had not been. And the dragonists were found to amount to many thousands, and were cast out, by troops, into various hells, chiefly into the west, [both] nearer to, and farther from, the midst...
They were [such] as, when they become priests, and even read the Word and know it, yet care nothing more for it than that they may preach therefrom - since it is assumed that preachings [must be] from it. Besides, they care nothing for it, nor hold it as holy, and apply nothing from it to their life; they only apply themselves to it so that they may be advanced to higher posts, or with the aim of gain, which are their loves. Consequently, their internal is entirely closed up towards heaven, and the external open to the world. Some are able to dissimulate [conceal or disguise one's thoughts, feelings, or character,) and introduce themselves, by flatteries, into societies of the simple-good, who believe them to be only good, and better than themselves, because they are able to preach. Others [effect such things] differently.
Of what quality these are may appear from the crew which followed them, the number of which was immense; which crew, also, was cast out of the mountains, hills and rocks in the midst, where are those who had the Word and were able to be illustrated [enlightened] and to receive spiritual life. All these were such as in the world have lived a merely natural life, and, so far as they lived in societies, a civil life, which thence has also appeared moral. They have attended churches, listened to the preachings, partaken of the sacrament of the Supper; but (inasmuch as they have had no interior bonds, in fact have thought and willed evil and also done it) have never thought that such and such a thing is sin and thus against God and the neighbor, but have abstained from doing it only on account of external... fears on account of the law, of opposition, of the loss of profit, honor and reputation - these have all had no conscience thus not any spiritual life but only natural and civil; and he who has no spiritual life has no communication with heaven, but is shut out from it; for, when externals are taken away, such ones are carried off without restraint to every crime, nor can they be withheld therefrom by heaven, since they are without communication therewith... That they are such, cannot, owing to their civil, and thence apparently moral and Christian life, be known by anyone, but only by the Lord. And, because they are not Christians, therefore neither [spiritually] alive, they cannot be together with the societies of heaven, with whom is the life of heaven... These latter have no conscience, neither anything of heaven in themselves - only the world. They fear their magistrates and not God. They return from churches, preaching and the Holy supper just as they were before. This is, they reckoned, their duty, because it ought so to be done.
All such, to an immense number, were cast out from the Christian region this time, out of the middle; the majority towards the west, in desert places there, where they wander and dwell together in their own huts, under magistrates who hold them in bonds by punishments and various fears. They were cast out from the Christian region because they are not truly Christians.
They were also explored, by being let into the general state of their life and turning themselves to the west; and, when to the east, still they spring back to the west, like as when a spring is twisted back and recoils; for, at the west one is turned to the world, at the east, to heaven. Some, also, turn themselves to the east when they think of it... [Angels] then look at their interiors, which turn of their own accord, and not at the exteriors; for the latter, with them, are then struggling in a contrary direction. The ruling love, which is the world, constantly prevails.
I heard such ones saying that they believed, since they have lived morally and civilly in externals, and have known the doctrine of the church, or listened to preachings, that they were going to come into heaven; but that they now see that civil life is a very different thing to spiritual life.
If they only think that a thing ought not to be done because it is morally evil, it is still well - or, that it is not just and equitable, and that one must not do so; because such morality is still a plane for spiritual good and truth. It is otherwise when they act only on account of civil and worldly considerations...
...I was in a state of sadness, but did not know the cause. I then heard that a vast number was being let down out of heaven towards the lower places. The reason having been sought out, it was said that they were those who rejoiced that they possess heavenly doctrine, saying that they wished to embrace it because they believe all things which are in it. Many, also, perceived that those things were truths. But, as soon as they heard that that doctrine was not only a doctrine of faith, thus that the things which were therein were not only to be known and acknowledged, but that it was a doctrine of life, and the things in it were to be willed and done - also, that doctrine effects nothing with those who merely know and affirm it, but only with those who at the same time do it; for these, from the heart, love it and embrace it - then, they because sorrowful, and all rejected it, not wanting it. Hence was my sadness; and hence were they sent down into the lower place towards the north, where there was little communication with heaven, but yet where was some communication.
Those who were let down inquired of me how much must be done, whether all the things which are in that doctrine; adding, that they could by no means do this. It was granted me to tell them that it is not grievous and difficult; since it only intends that a man should live sincerely, both in his calling and outside his calling, with everyone, and in every matter, because if he does otherwise it is sin, that is, against God and against the neighbor. They said that they wish this, namely, to live sincerely and to think in that way: but, on examination [it was found] they did not wish this, inasmuch as they desired [to act] with fraud, cunning, and deceit against others for the sake of themselves, and also to injure them in many ways; which things they did not reckon to be evils. Wherefore, they were sent away; for to live sincerely includes all such things: as, for example, that one ought not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to injure, not to cheat, and all other things of the doctrine of charity towards the neighbor. It was also found that no one is able to live sincerely for the sake of God and the neighbor, except he who is Christian as to life, and not he who is so only as to faith.
Among these, also, are they who are in false doctrines solely from the sense of the letter of the Word. These care nothing for the real truths themselves, however plainly they stand forth in the Word and however much they may be preached to them in the other life, if they have only confirmed themselves in the former. Those of them, however, who have lived in good, they, by virtue of the good, constantly crave genuine truths; for good craves truths as food does water. [Each] desires conjunction, inasmuch as one loves the other. There were seen, in immense number, those, from the Lutherans and others, who had been of such a character. Because they did not wish to embrace anything of genuine truth, they were cast down out of heaven, and sent across into the earth towards the east at the north there; and, those of them who have lived ill, into the hells at that part.
[It was said] that the dragons [the dragonists who are spiritually like dragons] are opposed to heaven because they are opposed to heavenly doctrine; for heavenly doctrine does not appear in the sense of the letter, save only to the enlightened; wherefore, also, they are opposed to heaven; and, if they come thither, they immediately extinguish the wisdom of those there; but, still, when those dragons who are called forth to that part are attentively observed, they cast themselves down, by reason of a very interior obscurity which arises, and torment thence resulting. Those constitute the body and head of the dragon [hell] who have confirmed themselves [in those false doctrines] more than others; and they are situated therein according to the kind and amount of the confirmation. Their presence induces a sluggishness, even to extinction, of the affection of truth with those who are in intelligence from doctrine. From experience: such ones were below me, and above me; and, so far as they were present, so far was the affection benumbed; and if they had not been removed, numbness and loathing even to nausea would have taken entire possession of me. When anyone speaks to them from doctrine they do not understand; they oppose, and at length persecute [him] - some from aversion [a strong dislike,] some from hatred, and so forth. When they are without any doctrine, they appear to themselves to be in light...
ABOUT THE LAST JUDGMENT AND THE NEW JERUSALEM. I saw that a vast multitude was let down out of heaven eastwards, and there allotted a place towards the front. Those who were evil were cast round about into deserts and into hells: those who were good lighted upon mansions there, to dwell in. Afterwards, I heard an immense concourse [a crowd or assembly of people,] which was let down out of heaven to all the rest of the quarters round about, to the western, southern and northern, with whom it fell out in like manner; and those who were good were allotted mansions and dwellings there. This lasted through several hours, during the whole night. [1757]
This was not a visitation, for that had often happened before, but an arranging in order; for, in the middle are the best sort, and at the boundaries are the good according to the degree of their good: towards the east also are those who are in the clearness of good; those at the west are they who are in the obscurity of good; those at the south, they who are in the clearness of truth; those at the north, they who are in the obscurity of truth.
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