Saturday, 27 October 2012

John 19:23 The Seamless Robe of Christ

23 Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part; and also his coat: now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout. -John 19:23King James Version (KJV)

' ''...realize thou canst continue on into that 'Eternal Body of Light' - the Seamless Robe of Christ. Then and then only, wilt thou be free from the wheel of rebirth." ' -[Great Cosmic Master] "Such is the Eternal Ascended Body of Christ," said Saint Germain..." ('Unveiled Mysteries' by Godfre Ray King, p182-183)

The wheel of rebirth refers to Reincarnation or Re-embodiment.

                            Reincarnation or Re-embodiment

On this subject the Archangel Michael teaches us: In the hundreds and thousands of embodiments in which you have lived, similar to these, is the proof that mankind had forgotten their Source. (The Voice of the I AM 1942 November p4)

In the Bible there is an account of Jesus' disciples asking him if a blind man had sinned before this embodiment, or in other words a past embodiment, thus causing him to be born blind in this embodiment. ('And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?' -John 9:2 King James Version) Here is the Aquarian Gospel's account of Jesus' answer. 

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
by Levi H. Dowling (1844-1911)
(Transcribed from the Akashic Records)


1The Lord with Peter, James and John were in Jerusalem; it was the Sabbath day.
2And as they walked along the way they saw a man who could not see; he had been blind from birth.
3And Peter said, Lord, if dis­ease and imperfections all are caused by sin, who was the sinner in this case? the parents or the man him­self?
4And Jesus said, Afflictions all are partial payments on a debt, or debts, that have been made.
5There is a law of recompense that never fails, and it is summar­ized in that true rule of life:
6Whatsoever man shall do to any other man some other man will do to him.
7In this we find the meaning of the Jewish law, expressed con­cisely in the words, Tooth for a tooth; life for a life.
8He who shall injure any one in thought, or word, or deed, is judged a debtor to the law, and some one else shall, likewise, injure him in thought, or word or deed.
9And he who sheds the blood of any man will come upon the time when his blood shall be shed by man.
10Affliction is a prison cell in which a man must stay until he pays his debts unless a master sets him free that he may have a better chance to pay his debts.
11Affliction is a certain sign that one has debts to pay.
12Behold this man! Once in another life he was a cruel man, and in a cruel way destroyed the eyes of one, a fellow man.
13The parents of this man once turned their faces on a blind and helpless man, and drove him from their door.

"The path of the moon is said to typify the life of the ordinary man who clings to objects of desire and parts with them reluctantly at death. After a period in the astral and heavenly worlds he returns to earth to repeat the process. It is the path of rebirth after intervals." (p275 "The Hidden Life in Freemasonry" by C. W. Leadbeater)

"The path of fire is the path of ascension, from which there is no longer any rebirth under the law of necessity."(p275 "The Hidden Life in Freemasonry" by C. W. Leadbeater)

George King from the Aetherius Society teaches: "Reincarnation is in the eyes of the great Masters, not a theory, but an essential part of Divine Truth, an aspect which, sooner or later, must be taught by every major Religion on Earth... Not for very much longer can the orthodox leaders of the Christian Religion suppress the existence of Truth regarding reincarnation." ("The Nine Freedoms" p111)

In the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda (p172) we learn that; "The early Christian church accepted the doctrine of reincarnation, which was expounded by the Gnostics and by numerous church fathers, including Clement of Alexandria, the celebrated Origen (both 3rd century), and St. Jerome (5th century). The doctrine was first declared a heresy in A.D. 553 by the Second Council of Constantinople. At that time many Christians thought the doctrine of reincarnation afforded man too ample a stage of time and space to encourage him to strive for immediate salvation. …The truth is that man reincarnates on earth until he has consciously regained his status as a son of God."

Mighty Victory teaches us: "...the masses of mankind, until they are taught this Law, do not have permanent Victory! ...Like a pendulum they swing and swing and swing, and never stabilize anywhere; because they cannot, until they know That Glorious Word "I AM"; understand where the "Mighty I AM Presence" is; what It is and what It can do for them. Only then can they see, know and accept the Reality of the Mighty Ascended Masters; the Great Cosmic Beings... Until they know the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" and Its Cosmic Law, they are not stabilized within Permanent Happiness nor Perfection." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1951 June p28-29)

John 19:16-18 They crucified Him

16 Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away. 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst. -John 19:16-18 Bible, King James Version
The Beloved Master Jesus informs us concerning His crucifixion: "Let Me assure you, I knew no distress throughout all that took place during the crucifixion. Mankind's interpretation and human concepts have colored those experiences unnecessarily..." ('The Voice of the I AM' December 1937 p5)

John 18:37-38 What is Truth?

37...Jesus answered, ...To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. 38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?... -John 18:37-38 Bible, King James Version

Jesus did not teach that Religion or Churches or even the scriptures would set you free. What He did teach was that the truth shall make you free. By following the Teachings of Jesus and the other Ascended Masters we can learn the Truths necessary to gain our freedom from the cycle of birth and death and become one of the Ascended Masters. The Beloved Master Jesus teaches us: "With all that We have done thru the ages, mankind is not yet Free, except as they use This Law of the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence." So when you enter into this Understanding of the Cosmic Law of your own Life, try to realize that everything which has gone on before, and has helped you, is to be blessed and thanked for its service; but when you enter into the CONSCIOUS KNOWLEDGE of the "Beloved Mighty I  AM Presence," you cannot keep all that has gone before and hold on to This too. You either enter in thru the Door of Light, which your "Beloved I AM Presence" is, and become ALL of Its Perfection; or if you hold on to the habits and conditions of the past, which have not set you Free, you won't go thru this Door of Light." ('The Voice of the I AM' May 1948 p22)

Beloved Jesus explains what is the Truth: "The Goal of your Victory is the Ascension... Because the Western world has not known it, does not alter the Truth, in the slightest. Today, the Truth is before mankind. You have all known the long worn out statement: "Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free." What is the Truth? It is the True Understanding of Life!... It is only the Whole Truth which will one day give you the Victory. The Whole Truth is within your own Life, your "Mighty I AM Presence."

The Beloved Mighty Cyclopia teaches regarding the Truth:"You see many people in some of the Religious channels of the World, have a Fragment of the Truth; but they do not understand the Cosmic Law enough, to show mankind the Application necessary, to set That Truth into Service for themselves and for the World. So, We have to come again, and again, and again." ('The Voice of the I AM' August 1948 p12)

Beloved Mighty Helios teaches us: "I trust I may elucidate one of those Magnificent Statements of the Mighty Master Jesus... When He said: "Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you Free," that Statement contains tremendous Wisdom, and few know what It means. Every little fragment of Truth which individuals have contemplated, they have imagined He meant by that Statement; but until they know This Truth concerning the Master Authority of the Fire Element thruout all Creation- they do not have the Way and Means of dissolving that which keeps them bound... The Sacred Fire from the Higher Mental Body! There is no Freedom to Life other than thru That Sacred Fire!... The Only Way provided by Life for the consuming of human mistakes and the frightful torture they have created in this World, is by the Use of the Cosmic Fire... UNTIL MANKIND KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE SACRED FIRE THEY CAN NEVER BE FREE. Individuals in your churches and philosophers all thru the centuries, have referred occasionally to the Sacred Fire, but the masses of the people know not what is meant. Your Beloved Saint Germain brought you the detailed Explanation and Use of the Violet Consuming Flame which is One Ray, or One Flame, that I direct from My Thousand Petal Lotus, which appears to you as the Physical Sun! That is the only Way and Means which the Cosmic Law of the whole Universe, provides to This System of Worlds, to change outer manifestations that are less than Perfection into Perfection, and then ever expand that Perfection." ('The Voice of the I AM' 1949 January p9-11)

John 18:36-37 My Kingdom is not of this world

36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. 37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. -John 18:36-37 Bible, King James Version

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling (1844-1911)

3The news spread through the city and along the shore that Ju­dah’s king had come, and multi­tudes drew near to press his hand.
4And Jesus said, I cannot show the king, unless you see with eyes of soul, because the kingdom of the king is in the soul.
5And every soul a kingdom is. There is a king for every man.
6This king is love, and when this love becomes the greatest power in life, it is the Christ; so Christ is king.
7And every one may have this Christ dwell in his soul, as Christ dwells in my soul.
8The body is the temple of the king, and men may call a holy man a king.
9He who will cleanse his mortal form and make it pure, so pure that love and righteousness may dwell unsullied side by side within its walls, is king.
10The kings of earth are clothed in royal robes, and sit in state that men may stand in awe of them.
11A king of heaven may wear a fisher’s garb; may sit in mart of trade; may till the soil, or be a gleaner in the field; may be a slave in mortal chains;
12May be adjudged a criminal by men; may languish in a prison cell; may die upon a cross.
13Men seldom see what others truly are. The human senses sense what seems to be, and that which seems to be and that which is, may be diverse in every way.
14The carnal man beholds the outer man, which is the temple of the king, and worships at his shrine.
15The man of God is pure in heart; he sees the king; he sees with eyes of soul;
16And when he rises to the plane of Christine consciousness, he knows that he himself is king, is love, is Christ, and so is son of God.
17You men of Galilee, prepare to meet your king.

The Great Cosmic Angel on whose crown blazes the word "Union's" teaches us that; "The outer world's incessant Demand upon your time, attention, upon your energy, and upon your feeling world, is the thing that has hypnotized mankind into the belief, that the outer is more important than the inner!" ('The Voice of the I AM' 1948 December p40) 

Here Jesus appears to be talking about  "the kingdom of God within" (Luke 17:20-21) which we come into after death as apposed to this physical world.
Heaven and Hell, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758], tr. by John C. Ager [1900] at
MAN AFTER DEATH IS IN A COMPLETE HUMAN FORM It has already been shown in several previous chapters that the form of the spirit of man is the human form, that is, that the spirit is a man even in form, especially where it is shown that every angel has a complete human form (n. 73-77) that in respect to his interiors every man is a spirit (n. 432-444); and that the angels in heaven are from the human race (n. 311-317). [2] This can be seen still more clearly from the fact that it is by virtue of his spirit, and not by virtue of his body that man is a man, and that the bodily form is added to the spirit in accordance with the spirit's form, and not the reverse, for it is in accordance with its own form that the spirit is clothed with a body. Consequently the spirit of man acts into every part of the body, even the minutest, insomuch that if any part is not actuated by the spirit, or the spirit is not active in it, it does not live... [3] A spirit that has been loosed from the body... is not visible in the human form to man, because the body's organ of sight, or its eye, so far as it sees in the world, is a material organ, and what is material can see only what is material, while what is spiritual sees what is spiritual...
The form of the spirit is the human form because man is created in respect to his spirit in the form of heaven... (n. 200-212)...; and in the chapter that the form of heaven as a whole and in part reflects a single man (n. 59-77); and this by virtue of the Divine Human of the Lord, which is the source of heaven and its form (n. 78-86). 
That which has now been said can be understood by the rational man, for he can see it from the connection of causes and from truths in their order; but it is not understood by a man who is not rational, and for several reasons, the chief of which is that he has no desire to understand it because it is opposed to the falsities that he has made his truths; and he that is unwilling to understand for this reason has closed to his rational faculty the way to heaven, although that way can still be opened whenever the will's resistance ceases (see above, n. 424)... [3] Because the state of men is such that they are able to understand truths if they wish to, I have been permitted to confirm spiritual truths, which are truths of heaven and the church, even by reasonings, and this in order that the falsities by which the rational mind in many has been closed up may be dispersed by reasonings, and thus the eye may perhaps in some degree be opened; for to confirm spiritual goods by reasonings is permitted to all that are in truths. Who could ever understand the Word from the sense of its letter, unless he saw from an enlightened reason the truths it contains? Is not this the source of so many heresies from the same Word?  
That the spirit of man, when it has been loosed from the body, is still a man and in a like form, has been proved to me by the daily experience of many years; for I have seen such and have listened to them a thousand times, and have talked with them about this fact, that men in the world do not believe them to be men, and that those that do believe this are regarded by the learned as simple. Spirits are grieved at heart that such ignorance still continues in the world, and above all within the church. [2] But this belief they said had emanated chiefly from the learned, who had thought about the soul... and... merely a fleeting breath of pure ether that must needs be dissipated when the body dies. But as the church believes from the Word in the immortality of the soul they are compelled to ascribe to it something vital, such as pertains to thought, but they deny to it any thing of sense, such as man possesses, until it has again been joined to the body. On this opinion the doctrine in regard to the resurrection is based, with the belief that the soul and body will be joined again at the time of the final judgment. For this reason when any one thinks about the soul in accordance with this doctrine and these conjectures, he has no conception that it is a spirit, and in a human form. And still further, scarcely any one at this day knows what the spiritual is, and still less that spiritual beings, as all spirits and angels are, have any human form. [3] Consequently, nearly all that go from this world are greatly surprised to find that they are alive, and are as much men as before, that they see, hear, and speak, and that their body enjoys the sense of touch as before, with no difference whatever (see above, n. 74). And when they cease to be astonished at themselves they are astonished that the church should know nothing about this state of men after death, thus nothing about heaven or hell, when in fact all that have ever lived in the world are in the other life and live as men. And as they wondered also why this had not been disclosed to man by visions, being an essential of the faith of the church, they were told from heaven that although this might have been done, since nothing is easier when it is the Lord's good pleasure, yet those that have confirmed themselves in the opposite falsities would not believe even if they themselves should behold it; also that there is danger in confirming any thing by visions when men are in falsities, for they would then first believe and afterwards deny, and thus would profane the truth itself, since to believe and afterwards deny is to profane; and those who profane truths are cast down into the lowest and most grievous of all the hells. [4] ...That those that are in falsities would not believe [even if visions were given] is meant by these words: Abraham said to the rich man in hell, They have Moses and the Prophets, let them hear them. But he said, Nay, father Abraham, but if one came to them from the dead they would be converted. But Abraham said to him, If they hear not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they believe though one should rise from the dead (Luke 16:29-31).

In the Spiritual World the Lord decides who will rule in the inner city of Jerusalem as apposed to who is ruling in Jerusalem in this outer physical world:

 Last Judgment Continued, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1758], tr. by John Whitehead [1892] at
XI. THE JEWS IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. Before the Last Judgment the Jews appeared in a valley in the spiritual world, at the left side of the Christian center; but after it, they were transferred into the north, and forbidden to hold interaction with Christians, except with those who wandered outside the cities. In that quarter, there are two great cities into which the Jews are led after death, and which before the judgment, were called Jerusalems, but after it by another name, because after the judgment by "Jerusalem" is meant the church in which the Lord alone is adored. In these cities, converted Jews are appointed over them, who admonish them not to speak scoffingly of Christ; and punish those who still do so. The streets of their cities are filled with mire up to the ankles, and their houses are full of uncleanness, from which they smell, so that they cannot be approached.
An angel sometimes appears to them in a middle altitude above them, with a rod in his hand, and gives them to believe that he is Moses, and exhorts them to desist from the madness of expecting the Messiah even there, because Christ, who governs them and all other men, is the Messiah: he says, that he knows it to be so, and also, that when he was in the world, he knew something concerning Him. On hearing this, they retire; the chief part of them forgetting, and only a few retaining it. They who do retain it are sent to synagogues, which are composed of the converted, and are there instructed; and if they receive instruction, they have new garments given them in place of their old tattered ones, and are presented with the Word neatly written, and with a dwelling in a not unsightly city. But they who do not receive, are cast down into the hells, beneath their great tract; many also are cast into forests and into deserts, where they commit robberies among themselves.
In that world, as in the former, they traffic in various things, especially in precious stones, which, by unknown ways, they procure for themselves from heaven, where there are precious stones in abundance. The reason of their trading in precious stones is, that they read the Word in its original language, and regard the sense of its letter as holy, and precious stones correspond to the sense of the letter of the Word... They sell their precious stones to the Gentiles who encircle them in the northern quarter...
The Jews are more ignorant than others as to their being in the spiritual world, believing that they are still in the natural world. The reason is, that they are wholly external men, and do not think at all of their religion from the interior. On this account also they speak of the Messiah just as they did before, as that He will come with David, and will go before them glittering with diadems, and introduce them into the land of Canaan; and that in the way, by lifting His rod, He will dry up the rivers which they will pass over; and that Christians, whom among themselves they call Gentiles, will then lay hold of the skirts of their garments, and humbly entreat to be allowed to accompany them, and that they will receive the rich according to their wealth, and that even the rich are to serve them. For they are unwilling to know, that "the land of Canaan" in the Word, means the church, and "Jerusalem," the church as to doctrine; and hence that "Jews" mean all those who will be of the Lord's church. That such is the meaning of "Jews" in the Word, may be seen in The Doctrine Concerning the Sacred Scripture (n. 51). When they are asked, whether they believe that they also are to enter the land of Canaan, they reply, that they will then descend into it. When it is said, that this land cannot possibly hold them all, they reply that it will then be enlarged. When it is said that they do not know where Bethlehem is nor who is of the stock of David, they say, that it is known to the Messiah who is to come. When asked, how the Messiah the Son of Jehovah, can dwell with those who are so evil, they reply that they are not evil. When it is said that still Moses describes them in his song (Deut. 32) as the worst of nations, they answer, that Moses at that time was angry, because he was to die. But when they are told, that Moses wrote it by the command of Jehovah, they are silent, and go away to consult about the matter. When it is said, that they took their origin from a Canaanite, and from the whoredom of Judah with his daughter-in-law (Gen. 38), they are enraged, and say, that it suffices them to be descended from Abraham. When they are told that interiorly in the Word there is a spiritual sense, which treats of Christ alone, they reply, that it is not so...

Saturday, 13 October 2012

John 17:24 Before the foundation of the world

24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. -John 17:24 King James Version (KJV)

Before the world was created, in the Pre-existence, we dwelt in heaven with Jesus. We are Eternal Beings created in the image of God, Who is Eternal, therefore at the creation of the earth we all existed and we will continue to exist throughout eternity.

John 17:20-23 They may be one, even as we are one

20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; 21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: 23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. -John 17:20-23 Bible, King James Version (KJV)

Jesus wants us all to become one with our Father in Heaven, or Mighty I AM Presence, so we too may enjoy the Glory of Eternal Perfection and Eternal Life. This does not mean symbolically one but literally one with our Higher Self.

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling


Elihu’s lessons to Jesus' mother in Egypt

1Again Elihu met his pupils in the sacred grove and said,
5There are two selfs; the higher and the lower self.
6The higher self is human spirit clothed with soul, made in the form of God.
7The lower self, the carnal self, the body of desires, is a reflexion of the higher self, distorted by the murky ethers of the flesh.
8The lower self is an illusion, and will pass away; the higher self is God in man, and will not pass away.
9The higher self is the embodi­ment of truth; the lower self is truth reversed, and so is falsehood manifest.
10The higher self is justice, mercy, love and right; the lower self is what the higher self is not.
11The lower self breeds hatred, slander, lewdness, murders, theft, and everything that harms; the higher self is mother of the virtues and the harmonies of life.
12The lower self is rich in prom­ises, but poor in blessedness and peace; it offers pleasure, joy and sat­isfying gains; but gives unrest and misery and death.
13It gives men apples that are lovely to the eye and pleasant to the smell; their cores are full of bit­terness and gall.
14If you would ask me what to study I would say, yourselfs; and when you well had studied them, and then would ask me what to study next, I would reply, your­selfs.
15He who knows well his lower self, knows the illusions of the world, knows of the things that pass away; and he who knows his higher self, knows God; knows well the things that cannot pass away.
16Thrice blessed is the man who has made purity and love his very own; he has been ransomed from the perils of the lower self and is himself his higher self.